Protecting Whales from Ships

MEDS Python Spatial Analysis

This Python analysis uses whale sightings and vessel data to suggest a speed reduction zone for the coast of Dominica.

Felicia Cruz true

In this analysis, a suggested speed reduction zone is outlined based on the preferred habitat of local sperm whales off the coast of Dominica. This speed reduction zone is approximated using whale sightings recorded between 2008 and 2015. Based on vessel data from 2015, the extra travel time that vessels would take to complete their journey through the speed reduction zone is calculated. In conclusion, about 27 days would be the increased travel time due to a 10-knot reduced-speed zone in the identified whale habitat.

Import Modules

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
import shapely.geometry

Dominica Outline

# read in Dominica file and project to correct crs

dominica = gpd.read_file("data/dominica")

dominica = dominica.to_crs("EPSG:2002")
<Projected CRS: EPSG:2002>
Name: Dominica 1945 / British West Indies Grid
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- E[east]: Easting (metre)
- N[north]: Northing (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: Dominica - onshore.
- bounds: (-61.55, 15.14, -61.2, 15.69)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: British West Indies Grid
- method: Transverse Mercator
Datum: Dominica 1945
- Ellipsoid: Clarke 1880 (RGS)
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
# plot Dominica outline

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=200)

dominica_plot = dominica.plot(ax = ax)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Dominica')

Whale Sightings Data

whale_sightings = gpd.read_file("data/sightings2005_2018.csv")

Create grid

# set geometry and correct crs 

whale_geoms = gpd.points_from_xy(whale_sightings['Long'], whale_sightings['Lat'], 
crs = "EPSG:4326")

whale_with_geoms = whale_sightings.set_geometry(whale_geoms)

whale_with_geoms = whale_with_geoms.to_crs("EPSG:2002")
array([ 408480.65208369, 1532792.74594092,  498500.30495702,
# making the grid

xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = whale_with_geoms.total_bounds

# Grid cell size
length = 2000
width = 2000

col = list(np.arange(xmin, xmax + width, width))
row = list(np.arange(ymin, ymax + length, length))

# making a polygon from the corner points
def make_cell(x, y, cell_size):
    ring = [
        (x, y),
        (x + cell_size, y),
        (x + cell_size, y + cell_size),
        (x, y + cell_size)
    cell = shapely.geometry.Polygon(ring)
    return cell

# making the cells 
cells = []
cell_size = 2000
for x in col:
    for y in row:
        cell = make_cell(x, y, cell_size)
grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': cells}, crs=2002)
# plotting the grid

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10), dpi = 300)

grid.plot(ax = ax, facecolor = "lightblue", edgecolor = "black", lw = 0.1)
whale_with_geoms.plot(ax = ax, color = "red", markersize = 0.05)
dominica.plot(ax = ax)

ax.set(xlabel = "",
       ylabel = "")
ax.set_title("Whale Sightings in Dominica 2008-2015", fontsize = 7)

# plt.setp(ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([]))

Extract Whale Habitat

# spatially join the data
join = grid.sjoin(whale_with_geoms, how = "inner")

# count the rows, which would be the points within the cells
grid['count'] = join.groupby(join.index).count()['index_right']

# include only counts greater than 20
over_20 = grid[grid['count'] > 20]

# unary union
over_20_union = over_20.geometry.unary_union

over_20_convex_hull = over_20_union.convex_hull

speed_reduction_zone = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry = 
# plotting the speed reduction zone
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10), dpi = 300)

grid.plot(ax = ax, facecolor = "lightblue", edgecolor = "black", lw = 0.1)
speed_reduction_zone.plot(ax = ax, color = "red", markersize = 0.05)
dominica.plot(ax = ax)

ax.set(xlabel = "",
       ylabel = "",
       title = "")
ax.set_title("Dominica Speed Reduction Zone", fontsize = 7)
#plt.setp(ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([]))

Vessel Data

vessel_data = gpd.read_file("data/station1249.csv")
# set geometries and use correct crs 

points_vessels = gpd.points_from_xy(vessel_data['LON'], vessel_data['LAT'], 
                                    crs = "EPSG:4326")

vessel_data_geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(vessel_data, geometry = points_vessels)

vessel_data_geom = vessel_data_geom.to_crs("EPSG:2002")
# getting TIMESTAMP in datetime format 

vessel_data_geom["TIMESTAMP"] = pd.to_datetime(vessel_data_geom["TIMESTAMP"])
field_1              object
MMSI                 object
LON                  object
LAT                  object
TIMESTAMP    datetime64[ns]
geometry           geometry
dtype: object

Calculate distance and speed

# spatially intersect the vessel data with the speed reduction zone

reduction_zone_mask = vessel_data_geom.within(speed_reduction_zone.loc[0, 

vessels_within_zone = vessel_data_geom.loc[reduction_zone_mask]
# sort vessels df by MMSI and Timestamp
vessels_within_zone = vessels_within_zone.sort_values(by=['MMSI', 'TIMESTAMP'])

# shift data frame
vessels_within_zone_shift = vessels_within_zone.shift(1)

# join original with shift to have both locations in one row
joined_vessels_within_zone = vessels_within_zone.join(vessels_within_zone_shift,
                                                       how = "left",
                                                       lsuffix = "start",
                                                       rsuffix = "end")

# drop rows with mismatching MMSI
joined_vessels_within_zone = joined_vessels_within_zone[
joined_vessels_within_zone["MMSIstart"] == joined_vessels_within_zone["MMSIend"]]
# add geometry

joined_vessels_within_zone = joined_vessels_within_zone.set_geometry("geometrystart")
joined_vessels_within_zone = joined_vessels_within_zone.set_geometry("geometryend")

# distance
joined_vessels_within_zone['distance_meters'] =

# time
joined_vessels_within_zone['time'] = joined_vessels_within_zone['TIMESTAMPstart'] -

# time minutes
joined_vessels_within_zone['time_minutes'] = joined_vessels_within_zone['time']/

# average speed
joined_vessels_within_zone['speed_meters_min'] =
joined_vessels_within_zone['distance_meters'] /

# time at 10 knots
joined_vessels_within_zone['time_10knots'] = 
joined_vessels_within_zone['distance_meters'] / 308.67

# difference betweeen time it actually took and how long it would have taken 
# at 10 knots

joined_vessels_within_zone['time_difference'] = 
joined_vessels_within_zone['time_10knots'] - 

joined_vessels_within_zone['over_0'] = 
joined_vessels_within_zone['time_difference'] >= 0 
# Find all values of time_difference that are above 0 and add them up 

fast_vessels = joined_vessels_within_zone[joined_vessels_within_zone['over_0'] == True]

40,140.31 minutes = 669 hours = 27.88 days

27.88 days is the extra time it would take for shipping due to the speed reduction zone in our identified whale habitat.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cruz (2022, Jan. 23). Felicia Cruz: Protecting Whales from Ships. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cruz, Felicia},
  title = {Felicia Cruz: Protecting Whales from Ships},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}